

My musings and opinions on all the issues that tiny businesses face. From frequently asked questions I come across each week, to hot topics of the moment, if you have a question or issue, you’ll find the answers in this section.

10 Reasons You Should Be Blogging

A blog is ALWAYS a good idea, and unlike other marketing activities, blogging can feel therapeutic and provides you a way of really relating to you customers and clients. When I’m writing a blog post like this one right now, I don’t think about it sounding professional or business like, I’m literally just letting the words pour out and putting what’s in my head onto a screen. As you can tell, I love blogging, and I’d like to be able to encourage you to start a relationship with blogging too!

One piece of advice before we get to the reasons why blogging is SUCH a great thing to do … always be authentic. Be yourself, use your own tone, and don’t try to sound like someone or something you’re not. The minute you do that it becomes a chore. OK let’s get to the top 10 reasons why you should have a blog for YOUR business.

11 Reasons A Blog Will Boost Your Business

Free marketing and promotion!

The number one reason for blogging, is that it gives you a FREE way to promote your business and spread the word to a wider audience!

A blog positions you as the expert

What you need to remember, is that even on the days your imposter syndrome is taking the front seat, you still know more about what you do than those who seek your advice. Blogging about your business answers questions your potential customers may have, it gives you an edge, and puts you in the driving seat.

A blog can earn you money

When you blog regularly and add the right keywords and SEO content, your blog will be discovered by influencers and businesses who want to use your platform as a springboard to promote themselves too.
People pay thousands of pounds for links to great content, but even when you’re in the early stages, you can charge a small fee for backlinks and guest posts. There are many niches which can convert into great money making blogs, and here are just a few;

  • Personal Finance niche (money making blog)

  • Weight Loss & Fitness blogs

  • Marketing

  • Personal Development

  • Health and wellness blog

  • Lifestyle

  • Parenting

  • Travel

  • Beauty & Fashion Blogs

  • Technology

  • Careers

  • Education

  • Food blog niche

You can widen your network

As I just mentioned above, other businesses can discover you through your blog, widening your network and throwing the door of opportunity wide open.

SEO is made simpler

A blog with the right content can boost your SEO efforts easily and organically without paying for Google Ads!
A little research can make a huge difference. Google questions related to your industry, and use those answers as the content for your blog posts. My most read blog to date, is this one: where I talk about linking Facebook and Instagram. I am often asked, ‘should I link my Instagram and Facebook pages?’, so I answered that in a blog. Simple!

It gives you content to use

Once you have a blog, you have articles you can use on your socials and forums. Sharing the links also get you more visitors to your website, plus you can just use snippets for posts and graphics. You are building up your own library of content and that is priceless!

Increases Traffic To Your Website Organically

As you’ve just read, SEO is boosted with a blog if you do it right, and with increased SEO comes increased website traffic!

It could lead to a book

If you’ve ever thought about writing a book, then blogging can be the first step on that journey to a publishing deal. Many bloggers have landed their first book deal thanks to their blogs. They demonstrate your expertise on the subject, they showcase your writing skills and they demonstrate to potential publishers and agents that there is an audience for your book idea. Even better, you have a built-in platform for marketing your book once it’s been published!

Blogging increases confidence

It’s hard for many people to blow their own trumpet, especially face to face, but with the safety of your keyboard and behind a screen, you can write with authority on your chosen subject, and your audience can see how amazing you are at what you do in a more subtle way. You’ll feel accomplished and confident about your abilities as a result!

You can blog from home!

Writing a blog is an activity you can do anywhere, any time so it’s one of the marketing activities you can add to any part of your day, or night! If you’re more awake at 6am but it’s too early to actually make calls or post on Facebook, then use that time to write your next blog!

Increase your email subscribers

Once your blog has traffic, you can offer an incentive to sign up to your email list. Your subscribers will increase, and then you have more people to talk directly to. If you already have an email list, send them an email when you publish a new blog too!

Some examples of famous and super popular blogs I love are Gary Vaynerchuk and LifeHack amongst others.

I really truly hope this has encouraged you to write your own blogs now, but if you want to write a blog and haven’t got the time or confidence just yet, I can do it for you if you’d prefer! Any questions? Get in touch!